


Epp Schmidt DJ. R.Pouyat, K. Szlavecz, H. Setälä, D.J. Kotze, I. Yesilonis, S. Cilliers, E. Hornung, M. Dombos, S.A. Yarwood. Urbanization leads to the loss of ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity and the convergence of archaeal and fungal soil communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution 10.1038/s41559-017-0123

Check out this blog post:

Pouyat, R.V., H. Setälä, , K. Szlavecz, I.D. Yesilonis, S. Cilliers, E. Hornung, and S. Yarwood, Kotze D.J. Engaging Citizen Scientists in an Open Distributed Experimental Network in Urban Soil Ecology. J Urban Ecology 3 (1): jux002. doi: 10.1093/jue/jux002

Pouyat RV, ID Yesilonis, M Dombos, K Szlavecz,  H Setälä, S Cilliers, E Hornung, J Kotze, S Yarwood 2015. A global comparison of surface soil characteristics across five cities: A test of the Urban Ecosystem Convergence Hypothesis. Soil Science 180: 136-145, doi: 10.1097/SS.0000000000000125



Szlavecz K. and Pavao-Zuckerman M. Life under the city: The decomposer community of urban soils. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, August 8-13, 2016.

Szlavecz, K. Macroinvertebrates in urban soils: The global perspective. Synergy in Science: Joint SSSA-CSA-AGA-ESA Meeting, Minneapolis, November 14-18, 2015

Kotze DJ, Pouyat RV, Setälä H, Szlavecz K. Global comparisons of urban ecosystems: Two case studies. Ecological Society of America Centennial Meeting, Baltimore, August 9-14, 2015

Epp Schmidt D, R Pouyat, ID Yesilonis, Kotze DJ, Szlavecz K, Hornung, E, Setälä H, Cilliers S, Yarwood SA. Biotic homogenization and urban soil communities. Ecological Society of America Centennial Meeting, Baltimore, August 9-14, 2015.

Szlavecz, K., R.V. Pouyat, S. Cilliers, Cs.Csuzdi, M. Dombos, E. Hornung, D.J. Kotze, S. Mishra, H. Setälä, D.E. Schmidt, S.A. Yarwood, I.D. Yesilonis. A multi-city comparison of urban soil ecosystem function. 1st Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon, France, December 2-4, 2014

Pouyat R.V., K. Szlavecz, H. Setälä, I.D. Yesilonis, S. Cilliers, E. Hornung, S. Yarwood, D. J. Kotze. Tea anyone? Engaging Citizen Scientists in an Open Distributed Experimental Network in Urban Soil Ecology. 1st Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon, France, December 2-4, 2014

Tóth Zs, Hornung E., Cilliers S., Dombos M, Kotze D.J., Setälä H., Yarwood S.A., Yesilonis I.D., Pouyat R.V. Szlavecz K. Városi talajok lebontó hatásfokának vizsgálata (GLUSEEN, Budapest) (Decomposition studies in urban soils. GLUSEEN Budapest). Magyar Természetvédelmi Biológiai Konferencia:Tudományoktól a döntéshozatalig”(Hungarian Nature Protection Conference: From Science to Decision Making”). Szeged, Hungary, Nov 20-23, 2014.

Schmidt DEJ, K Szlavecz, H Setälä, DJ Kotze, RV Pouyat, I Yesilonis, E Hornung, S Cilliers, M Dombos, Cs Csuzdi, S Yarwood. Life Beneath the City: The Effects of Urbanization on Soil Microbial Community Composition. Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Nov 2-5, 2014.

Yesilonis I, Pouyat R, Szlavecz K, Adams MB, Cilliers S, Hornung E, Jurgensen M, Kotze J, PageDumroese D, Setälä H, Yarwood S. Merging urban soil research networks to develop a more comprehensive understanding of decomposition rates across different scales. Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Nov 2-5, 2014 INVITED.

Szlavecz K, Pouyat RV, Yesilonis ID, Setälä H, Kotze J, Cilliers S, Hornung E, Yarwood S. Citizen science experiments to study urban soils. 99th Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, August 10-15, 2014.

Schmidt, DE, K Szlavecz, J Kotze, ID Yesilonis, RV Pouyat, H Setälä, S Cilliers, E Hornung, M Dombos, Cs Csuzdi, SA Yarwood. Assay for Education: Exploring Urban Soils Function and Microbial Composition. Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, College Park, MD, March 28-30, 2014.

Szlavecz K, R. Pouyat, I. Yesilonis, H. Setälä, J. Kotze, S. Yarwood, E. Hornung, S. Cilliers, M. Dombos, Cs. Csuzdi: Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of Decomposition Rates in Urban Soils: A Proof of Concept for a Global Experimental Network. SSSA Special Conference: “Soil’s Role in Restoring Ecosystem Services”, Sacramento CA, March 6-9, 2014.

Global environmental monitoring