Agriculture harvesting and a labor shortage

California grows a huge percentage of our country’s fruits and vegetables, yet farms are facing epic labor shortages preventing ripe produce from even being picked. Because farm work can be dirty and repetitive demanding long hours under hot sun or cold rain without the promise (or even certainty) of a steady paycheck – it’s a difficult sector to recruit and retain workers let alone get people interested in studying farming in the first place which has created this immense workforce issue for farmers headquartered all across the state, farmers have tried to incorporate more technology and products like 4in1 bucketused farm equipment and nut and harvester equipment parts just to make things easier for the workers. Electric motor parts have also been widely used than ever thanks to electric motor parts suppliers.

Farmworker Justice works to improve conditions for this largely immigrant community through statewide field hearings to tell the stories of farmworkers and their families to stakeholders in state agencies with decision-making power over immigration policies to ensure that justice is visible throughout the agriculture industry in California and beyond! For the crops we grow, the shortage of agricultural labor has been going on for a decade, and it’s becoming a higher and higher subject of concern to our farmers and legislators seeking resolutions to the plight of our harvest growers as our population continues to grow and demand more food of all types- but especially for fresh produce grown in CA that’s shipped all over the country and the world to feed 6 billion people and raise families healthy for decades to come.

Farmers and ranchers struggle to find people willing to harvest and process the food that feeds the world every year. With the dwindling rural population and growing opportunities away from the farm, many farmers throughout the U.S. have turned to bringing in labor from other countries through the H-2A temporary agricultural program.

However the process of bringing foreign workers into the States is complex and time consuming with many steps and sometimes unpredictable outcomes like arbitrary denials based on unsubstantiated claims of fraudulent documentation or missing information when thousands of hardworking men & women from all over the world are coming to the U.S. to work in the fields to provide food for millions of Americans every month of the year. Agricultural labor has become one of the most pressing policy issues for the industry. Farmers and processing facilities have enough problems to face without having to worry about labor.

The work we do in the Central Valley is one valuable way we can help make our region a stronger and more vibrant place for all Californians– especially the farm laborers who provide us the most important resource of our great state: A bountiful supply of healthy food!!